- Why are you charging an additional fee?
- Am I eligible for the new Canada Dental Care Plan (CDCP)?
- Are you accepting patients for the new Canada Dental Care Plan?
- Am I covered 100% under the new Canada Dental Care Plan?
- Can you tell me what I am covered for?
- I am a Provincial Ministry Patient, can I utilize both programs?
There's no additional fee. This is the usual fee BC charges for dental care for all patients, regardless of their specific dental benefits coverage. The federal government decided not to fully fund the CDCP.
To see if you are eligible, click HERE. Please note, patients must be registered through the online portal in advance to receiving treatment. Make sure you are signed up before booking your appointment with us. We are not able to register on your behalf.
Yes! We are registered with the CDCP and are happy to accept patients who have qualified, whether you are a new patient or existing patient.
Short answer, no. The new program covers a portion of the cost to receive treatment, and that amount varies depending on what treatment is required. The fee is based on the Ontario Dental Fee Guide which is different from British Columbia. For this reason, we will balance bill patients for the difference.
We can provide you with approximate costs in advance, but we can not confirm the amount until the program is better established. Once the program is well underway, we will have a better understanding of exactly how SunLife (insurance provider) is administering the program. Some treatments such as crowns and partial dentures won’t be available until November 2024.
Yes! We encourage patients who have qualified under both programs to take advantage of the coverage available for dental treatment.